How to use our travel page

This page is only a turorial

Go directly to areas of interest listed below.
Locations in red indicate that we have been to that location previously and more information may be available. The time listed after the location (shown in yellow), gives an idea of how much information is available on that specific area.

The trip:

Pre-Central America
San Diego (1 weekend)
Mexico City (1 day)

Antigua (1 night)
Xela (4 weeks) -
Spanish School
Champerico (1 weekend)
Santa Maria Volcano
(1 day)
Monterico (???)


Upcoming is out current plans for the future. Subject to change daily. Our current location is the last location mentioned on the list.
Follow our trip chronologically by using the buttons at the bottom of the page.

To follow our trip chronologically
( ->>Start<<-)
Trip 2000-01

1. go to a place of interest,
2. then follow chronologically backwards or forewards from there.

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